God, as understood through the lens of infinite consciousness, transcends all human understanding. Infinite consciousness is not bound by time, space, or physicality. It is the source of all being, the eternal presence that imbues creation with life and meaning. Within this framework, Christ is understood as a dimension of this infinite consciousness—a manifestation that brought the universe into existence and continues to sustain it. This perspective offers profound insights into the nature of God, humanity’s relationship with the divine, and the role of Christ in creation.
God as Infinite Consciousness
The concept of God as infinite consciousness posits that God is not a physical being but an all-encompassing awareness that transcends and permeates the universe. This infinite consciousness is the source of all existence, a reality so vast and profound that it defies the limitations of human comprehension. As pure spirit, God is unbounded by the constraints of time and space.
While we often seek to define God through anthropomorphic terms or metaphors, such attempts fall short of capturing the true essence of the divine. Humans, with finite minds and sensory limitations, cannot fully grasp the infinite. As the Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13:12, “For now we see through a glass, darkly.” The very nature of infinity and spirit is beyond human comprehension, but we can experience glimpses of God’s essence—most prominently, love.
Christ: The Creative Dimension of God
Christ, in this understanding, is a dimension of God’s infinite consciousness, an active force that created and continues to sustain the universe. As described in John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Through him all things were made in time and space. Christ is not separate from God but an aspect of the divine consciousness that bridges the infinite with the finite. Through Christ, the eternal entered creation, shaping the material world and breathing life into all living beings.
This dimension of God—the creative, sustaining, and redeeming presence—makes the divine accessible to humanity. Christ serves as a conduit through which God’s infinite consciousness interacts with the world, providing a tangible expression of divine love, wisdom, and power. As both creator and sustainer, Christ ensures that the universe operates in harmony with the will of God, while also drawing humanity closer to the divine essence.
God’s Presence in All Living Things
If God is infinite consciousness, it follows that this consciousness is present in all living things, though in varying degrees. As the Apostle Paul writes in Acts 17:28, “For in him we live and move and have our being.” This presence of God within creation affirms the interconnectedness of all life and underscores the sacredness of existence.
Among earthly creatures, humans possess the highest level of consciousness. This advanced capacity enables us to reflect on our existence, form complex relationships, and seek meaning beyond survival. Most importantly, it allows us to communicate with God through prayer, meditation, and contemplation. In these moments of communion, humans transcend the boundaries of their finite understanding and connect with the infinite consciousness of God.
However, the consciousness of God is not limited to humans. It is present in all life forms, from the smallest microorganism to the largest mammal. While these beings may not possess the reflective awareness of humanity, they nonetheless participate in the divine reality. This understanding calls us to treat all of creation with reverence, recognizing the spark of the divine in every living thing.
The Nature of God as Love
The infinite consciousness of God is characterized by love, the highest and most transformative force in existence. Love is the essence of God’s being and the foundation of all creation. It is through love that God brought the universe into existence, sustains it, and invites humanity into a relationship with the divine.
This love is not a mere emotion but an eternal truth, unchanging and unconditional. As finite beings, our understanding of love is limited, often influenced by personal experiences and cultural contexts. Yet through Christ, we are given a glimpse of divine love in its purest form—a sacrificial, redemptive love that seeks the good of all creation.
Despite this revelation, the fullness of God’s nature remains beyond human comprehension. Our minds, bound by the constraints of time, space, and physicality, cannot fully grasp the infinite. While we can experience and reflect on God’s love, we cannot fully understand its depth or breadth. As Isaiah 55:8-9 reminds us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”Implications for Humanity
The understanding of God as infinite consciousness and Christ as the creative dimension of God carries profound implications for humanity. First, it calls us to humility. Recognizing that we are finite beings within an infinite reality reminds us of our dependence on God and our need for grace.
Second, it invites us to cultivate a deeper connection with God through prayer and meditation. These practices open our hearts and minds to the presence of God within and around us, fostering spiritual growth and alignment with divine will.
Finally, it challenges us to embody love in our interactions with others and with creation. If God is love, and if this divine love is present in all life, then our calling is to reflect that love in how we live, care for others, and steward the world entrusted to us.
God, as infinite consciousness, transcends human understanding, yet reveals Himself through love and through the dimension of Christ. Christ, as the creative and sustaining presence, brought the universe into being and remains active in its unfolding. Humanity, endowed with the highest level of consciousness, is uniquely capable of communing with God and participating in this divine reality.
Though we cannot fully comprehend the infinite nature of God, we are invited to experience and reflect His love in our lives. In doing so, we affirm the sacredness of creation and our role as stewards of the world, drawing ever closer to the infinite consciousness that is God. Through prayer, meditation, and acts of love, we fulfill our purpose as beings created in the image of the divine.